Saturday, October 31, 2015

So, what are the 25 stories?

I have covered the initial ideas and reasons for the book, talked about Julian Hosp the author, presented the cover and now I want to give you a glimpse into the book for the first time. And what better of to start than with an overview of the 25 stories:
25 Stories Chapter Overview
25 Stories Chapter Overview

I hope you like it! Any story that peaks your attention the most? Let me know in the comments below and I will feature it first!

The stories are all derived from true happenings in my own life, and are mostly chronologically ordered. So the first few stories happened more in my Elementary School time, and up to the America Story happened during Junior High. Kitesurfingand Medicine started at the age of 18. The stories afterwards are step by step all the way to the time I moved to Hong Kong at the age of 25. The Final Story happened this year in 2015.

Every story has 3 key take aways, that I point out after the story, what my Younger Self should especially remember from these stories. Since my Younger Self was even more stubborn than I am today [yes, I know, it sounds unbelievable but it is true :-) ], I could have never thrown lessons at my Younger Self - He would have needed to listen to a story that imprinted into a young Julian's mind, for the lessons to stick. I hope that makes sense and you can relate to that!

25 Stories Book Example
25 Stories Book Example
Let me know in the comments below which story would inspire you the most to get the e- or physical-book?

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Woowwzaaa, this is the book's full cover!

Awesome! The cover is ready, typesetting is in the go, logistic is all done and we are in perfect timing. SO WHAT IS THE FINAL COVER?

First of all, I want to thank you all who gave us feedback on the cover and the design. We listened to all of you and took your feedback very serious. Together with you, the designer, marketing experts and Amazon-gurus we adapted the cover step by step to get this final version:

I hope you like it! :)

So, what is the story behind this cover - how did we choose it?

We started from two angles:

The first one was that the cover should speak about what the book is about, and who the author Julian Hosp is. This was very important from a designer stand point. Many of you voted here and gave us great feedback - Thank you once again for that.

The second angle is the marketing standpoint. A cover needs to be flashy, popping out, and especially easy to read when looked at small. If you go on Amazon or any other book page, all the books are displayed with their small covers only, and what is important is the cover's colour, and that the title and the author are easy readable.

So we took all that together and this is what it looks like in small:

Awesome, right?!

Here was the cover history from both angles - marketing and storytelling:

Feel free to give us feedback below, but we are extremely happy with the cover and will for sure go with it!

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