Monday, November 30, 2015


Leading up to X-mas I wanted to run a 25 day series to introduce a new story every day. A great friend here in Hong Kong gave me that tip some time ago when I told him about the upcoming book launch, and I immediately loved the idea. So, how does it work? Every day, I will talk about one more story, all the way to X-mas. I will especially talk about the things that are not in the book, so that for those that have read the book will get extra value, and for those only reading and watching these updates, there is additional insight once they read the book.

By the way, today is Cybermonday, and so Amazon is running a 30% promotion on my book if you use the discount code: AMAZON30
It is like THE best x-mas gift ever! :-)

Since today is day 0, I wanted to make a short video about why and how I wrote the book. Who it is for and why you should care about the next 25 days. Check out the video here:

Hope you like it and if you get inspired, drop me a message into our Facebook group! Stay tuned for the next day and next story tomorrow! If you want to stay updated, get on to the newsletter list here, so you know when the post is coming out tomorrow!

Have a great day, lots of fun, and see you tomorrow!


Dr. Julian Hosp

Monday, November 23, 2015

Why did I write this book for Millennials?

If you do not know much about me or I haven't been talking to you much about my upcoming book, you might be wondering why I wrote it, or what is it all about? 25 stories... so what? Fair question... so let me explain briefly:

Think of your very first bicycle ride - when your mom or dad put you on that bike and got you going for the first time! I would imagine that you did not get very far and fell over. But even though it was your first time, did something major happen to you? Most probably not, and the reason for that is quite simple: Your parents anticipated that you might fall. They had experienced it enough themselves and so just after they put you on your bike and gave you a push they were chasing after you ready to catch you if you fell. Most likely they even gave you a helmet… just in case… Yes, you might have fallen, but your parents where there to catch you and your helmet protected you, even though you probably weren’t going very fast anyway. Eventually, pretty much all of us survived our first bike run without many scratches.
 So, what’s my point here? Well, whenever I think of that story, that most of us experienced as children and then maybe even again as parents, it makes me wonder, why in that case did we prepare ourselves properly, but in so many other cases we don’t? Like, for example, do you remember the first time you invested money into something? You lost it, didn't you? Your first love? Broke your heart? The first horror movie that made you afraid of clowns? The first time you had to speak in front of a group of people and you blushed and couldn’t get a word out? You could have been well prepared, but you probably didn’t wear your “helmet” or have your parents running after you to protect you. We do learn from these experiences through positive feedback: when something works out, we do it again. The same is true for negative outcomes: you get hurt and stop doing that activity afterwards. The examples I have been giving above are quite easy and straightforward ones, and I could elaborate on school choices, the sports you play, the job you work in, or the life partner you choose.

So why not improve the whole learning process like in the bicycle story? “What if there was a “helmet”? What if there was the possibility for people to avoid making all their mistakes by themselves over and over again, but could instead learn from other people, who had made these mistakes already before?” The result would be that one would avoid crashing all together, or simply only trip, without serious injury. Crashing in that context is just a figure of speech, of course. So, how do we learn to “crash better”? There are around a million, “Self Development” books out there and even more articles on the Internet named, for example, “The ten most important things to avoid as a teenager”. I have read many of them, but probably just like with many other people, the points these books try to get across, hardly ever stick. They are too factual and I can’t relate to them well enough to remember them long term. Yes, a tip like: “Always save 10% of your income” sounds great, but you know what? The month after I read it, I am spending a 100% of my money again and nothing is left over. Feel the same way? Even though you have just read about something in one of these “Self Development” books the month before, it does not even stay with you after such a short time. So after some contemplating, I figured there must be a better way
During my business development work we had one key lesson to increase sales: “Facts tell, Stories sell!” Customers would not buy the product you were selling directly, no matter how good it was. Rather, they were buying your story about the product and only through relating to that story they would actually buy the product afterwards. It always sounded a bit strange when we taught that to new sales people, but everyone knew it was working. Translating that into the problems I was facing (and probably millions of other people out there as well) it would mean that for me to actually learn and become more prepared for life, I had to tell a story about the problem, and explain the lessons I derived from that experience afterwards. Otherwise, it would not stick, and I would not be “wearing a helmet”. Think about it! What was the last YouTube Video you watched, podcast you listened to or event you attended? What did you take away from it? It is probably a story that teaches a lesson, am I right? Take a second, and think back! It is not the fact itself; it is the attached story that gets you to remember it. Based on that idea I started giving little talks for the company I was working with. I started sharing stories and I gave tips based on what I had experienced. The feedback was great and these little talks turned into larger presentations and then even keynote speeches in many countries all over the world, such as Europe, the US, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and several others. I began to realize how much a simple but well-structured story inspired people, as long as I included the lessons to take away from it afterwards. Just like myself, people started to better relate to what was being explained to them. The lessons started to stick, but not because of the lessons themselves, but rather because of the stories that they could relate to and put themselves into.
Over the years I have given so many talks that I developed a list of all the stories that I had ever shared. This was very helpful because before an event I could speak to the organizer about the type of audience and content they expected. Then, in 40-45 minutes I could share the three to four stories that fit the best. This list had grown quite extensively and so at some point I wondered: “Wouldn’t it be way more powerful if more people could listen to ALL of the stories rather than just a few during an event? Maybe a few people in the room would need to hear those three stories and someone else three others!” So, I created a final list of 25 of my most powerful and helpful stories that I would have loved to send to my younger self in a time capsule. This is how the book’s title “25 stories I would tell my Younger Self” was born. While reading these 25 stories, you will see many parallels to things that have happened or will happen in your own life. You will realize that it is not about my story being so unique, but I want these stories to inspire you to take away the key messages and adapt them to your own stories. We all share many similar values, beliefs or merits and so, even though a story may be unique in itself to you or me, we can learn valuable insights by looking at the path other people have walked before us and where it eventually led them.

Many people ask me, if I had been given this book from a Future Self, would I have made no mistakes afterwards? Of course not – I would have still made hundreds! I would have just learned faster from my mistakes or have been better prepared – that is really important to understand. It is not about NOT making mistakes; it is about understanding that every decision in life is a choice - whether you say “yes” or “no”. And, each choice has consequences – many times unforeseeably huge ones. It is not about worrying which choice is the right one - it is just about understanding how to be prepared and make the most out of every choice. You might be experiencing different stories in your life, but that is not the point. It is about learning from my experiences, so you can implement them into yours. If I manage to achieve just one thing with this book, I would love the reader to understand this law of “cause and effect”: if you want to end up where someone else ended up, take the same path! And if you want to end up somewhere else, take a different path! It is one of the simplest rules in life. But despite that simplicity, so few people actually follow it. In the next 25 stories I will show you many paths I took, and if you like the resulting outcomes, walk the same paths as well. If you don’t want to end up where I ended up, choose different ones. This is the main lesson to take away.

Some of the concepts and ideas will be new or challenging to you, so remember that your mind is like a parachute: It only works if it is open! Hope that makes sense, and if you have any questions, let me know below!


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Sunday, November 15, 2015

LIMITED PROMO: Get the free ebook!

I hope you are not reading further, unless you downloaded the ebook ;-)

In this post I talk about:
  1. Story for the book launch
  2. The upcoming webinar
  3. Interviews, Insights and Press
I started writing this book at the beginning of 2015 while I was on holiday in Phuket, Thailand. It was on my To-Do list for this year as a goal that I had always wanted to achieve. I wrote this book out of a passion to leave a legacy, a tool that my children might be able to pick up, and learn 75 valuable lessons from 25 stories that will boost their lives in ways that they could not have done without. You might think that I am nuts to start writing without actually having a plan before starting. I have to admit, you are probably right, but I had a clear goal and that was to publish this book within one year, by the end of 2015, and I have achieved that goal.

Looking back, the first couple of chapters were easy to write, as I was really motivated when I got started. As with anything, after a while it became a routine and the excitement dropped off. I began thinking that I should change the title of the book to “10 Stories I would tell my Younger Self”. I kept coming up with excuses why ten stories would be enough. But actually, it was just because I wanted to give myself a let-out clause! I am quite a slow writer and if I wrote two pages a day that was good progress. So what was the solution? I went out and told all my close friends that I was going to write 25 stories. So they all knew and I could not cut the number of stories down. Remember, we all have the same struggles - the difference is just how we deal with them. I am not naturally good at this, but I learned how to overcome it, and I have passed them on to you in this book. For my kitesurfing book I had a partner who did the illustrations and publishing, so now it was a whole new ball game finding someone to proof-read, draw the illustrations, design a good cover, and roll out the publishing. Without Bettina none of that would have actually been possible. Even when the book was finished, I wanted to cut the physical part and just leave it as an e-book. But guess what I had done already? I had told everyone that they could read a hard copy, so I had to deliver.

It was an amazing journey throughout this book while travelling through dozens of different countries and three different continents. Sometimes I was flying in Economy Class from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and other times it was on a business class flight from Zurich to Hong Kong. On a trip to Europe I had some melancholy thoughts, and then I wrote the sad chapters. Other times I just came home from a great basketball match or kitesurfing session and wrote the happy chapters. Sometimes I wrote in utter silence, while other times I listened to classical music. Authors say that when you write you find yourself, and I have to admit it is almost like meditation when clicking the keyboard and seeing the words appear on the laptop screen. This is my second book, and even though I am sure it will not be my last, it is especially important to me, as it allowed me to express my deepest life lessons that I would love to pass on to the world.

Many times people read success stories and books that focus mostly on a person’s current achievements, but most people reading the book are still on their initial steps of a long journey. I know how hard it is to go against the odds and even more, your family, friends, or today, social media, who tell you that you won’t make it. You might have already taken the first step on a new venture, but you get stuck with the fear of what these other people think of you, which paralyses you and stops you from raising your voice or letting your light shine, out of fear of what others may think. Remember, it is not about what others think; people will think what they want, irrespective of what you do. Be a person of virtue, and others will buy into you no matter what. There is no other way to overcome that initial fear other than to accept that it exists. I know it is hard, but just like anything else that is hard, it is totally worth it. I re-read many stories over and over again when I have doubts myself.

I want to thank once again all the people who made this book possible, especially: once again my partner Bettina, as without her, this book would have never been possible. Taking care of all those areas related to actually getting the book published, such as sourcing vendors, talking to suppliers, and dealing with the logistics, would have been impossible without her. Gillian Kew for editing and checking the final version, and giving me valuable feedback on the style.Terry Teemley for editing the first draft. Also, I would like to shout out a big thank you to all the podcasters, bloggers and marketers who helped me get the word out, so that people (maybe even you) get to know about this book. And of course all the other people who gave me feedback on the title, cover and layout. There are so many, I cannot name them all here.

We are running a free promo on Sunday 15th and Monday 16th to download the ebook for free - if you haven't done so - DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE NOW!

If you want to help me spread the word (and I would be super grateful if you did!), then these are 2 things you can do:
  1. Tell as many people as possible to download the book on Sunday (15th) or Monday (16th) - it is free anyways - so nothing to lose, everything to gain!
  2. Leave an honest review on Amazon: - if you like the book, let me know on there please and why. If you don't like it, do so as well - It is absolutely ok to voice your honest opinion. It will be helpful for future readers (who then have to pay for the book of course).
On Sunday at 9pm HKT or 2pm in Munich or 8am in New York, I will be hosting a webinar with the title: "3 things any college graduate should have learned in college (but probably didn't)" - I share 3 stories out of my book, that cover exactly this topic. If you want to be part of it - here is the Sign Up Link:

I have had many people reviewing the book and already leaving me wonderful feedback on Social Media and also on Amazon. I wanted to link a few very nice interviews and insights here, so feel free to check them out:

GERMAN/DEUTSCH! Mr. Do It Interview:

The Enchanting Lawyer:


Six Figure Side Gig:

Let me know any feedback in the comments below or on Social Media.

By the way, if you want to be the first to know about future updates, get on the Update list here:


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