So, here I was, Dec 27th 2015 and I was just finishing my webinar for the goal setting workshop for 2016. I felt completely exhausted, but not because of the webinar itself, but rather due to the entire work that was on my shoulders at that very moment. My translator that should have translated my book into German was literally a joke, and I had just realized all that on December 20th. I had already prebooked the audio recording studio , arranged video- and magazine interviews and had set the launch date for the end of January 2016. Which meant I had less than 1 month to write, proof read and finish the German book… 350 pages in total. In the webinar I was about to talk to a group of people, about how to go into the new year with a goal and plan in mind, while I was as chaotic and overwhelmed as one could possibly be. I had originally planned to spend the time in Austria with my family and friends and now I was all hustling to catch up on my preset schedule. All I could think of was how I would make the darn deadlines, and the webinar was more a routine, than actually expressing my feelings at that very moment.
Eventually, Bettina and I worked over 100 hours a week, with the amazing help of Patricia Zinnecker and Nada Orlic, to get everything done just in time. I am not even kidding: When I was going for the audio recording, it was split over 2 full days. On day 1 of the recording, the final chapters were not even finished yet. So when I was in the recording studio hitting chapter 17, I urged Ash, the producer, to push for the next day, as my voice was sore. It was sore, but also, chapter 18 till 25 was not finished yet. Talk about a crazy schedule… My 30th birthday was coming up Feb 3rd, and the plan was to catch up on that break that Bettina and I had actually planned of having over X-mas and New Year… In situations like these you realize what a great relationship is all about.
So now is Feb 7th, my 30th birthday is over, the German book is finished, and hit Nr. 1 on Amazonin its category and is available as ebook, audio, paperback and hardcover. I am as proud as I can be, and without this awesome team around me, it would have been impossible. I had a good shut off from Feb 1st till now, with some awesome kiting in Boracay on the Philippines, and some great soul searching while travelling to Kuala Lumpur and Cambodia. So, instead of doing what I was teaching during the webinar at end of December, I took some time now, to catch up on walking the talk and planning my year. I sat down to set some serious and scary goals for 2016, especially my finances. I will lay everything open here, and it is the first time, that I am actually going to do that publicly. I feel I need the extra pressure, to really go for it this year, as I did achieve my goal of financial independence last year and I want to keep going hard! I will compare 2016 to 2015, and try to 10x my goals and therefore the hustle (10x meaning to achieve 10 times as much… it won’t be possible in everything, but at least this is what I am shooting for).
I am setting goals in 5 areas of my life:
- Financial
- Health
- Personal Development
- Relationship
- Fun
Really important is to use the S.M.A.R.T. technique that I am also talking about in the webinar:
- S… be Specific
- M… have Measurable goals
- A… they require work to be Achievable
- R… they do have to be Realistic though
- T… they need to be Timed
I am starting with the financial goals and I am splitting them up into the 4 major companies that I own, of which I am the director in 3 of them (all the companies are incorporated in Hong Kong, but for some privacy, I will not write out the entire name – I hope that is ok). Additionally I will list some personal development goals afterwards, that I cannot put into any of these companies and that are extremely important to me this year. One of my goals in the past was to be a USD Millionaire by the age I am 30… as you will be able to do the math, I missed that goal slightly… Would I add any goodwill or projected value into the companies however, I would be far over that goal - at least on paper, as you will see in this year’s goals. So, here we go:
The goal of this company is to distribute and wholesale various products in Asia. In 2015 it was a “still” company but for 2016 I have big goals:
Close to 2 Million USD in revenue with net profit margins of 8-10%, bringing in a net profit of 180,000 USD throughout 2016.
Will do a re-evaluation mid year end June, where I want to have hit around ¼ of the final target.
At the moment we are at around 4,000 USD, which is not much yet, but we are expanding aggressively and so I am positive I can hit it.
We will also start a Social Media Campaign for it called the JuBe Lifestyle Couple – targeting other couples just like Bettina and I that are hustling hard to quit the 9 to 5 rat race.
888 LTD:
This company was one of my major drivers in the past years, with profits of close to 100,000 USD per year, but due to my shift of focus its revenue was cut down massively and only generated 16,000 USD last year in profits and I expect it to go close to zero in 2016. Therefore I will either close this company or use it mostly as a trading company for my stock portfolio. At the moment it has holdings of around 130,000 USD of stocks, but I want to 10x that until the end of the year, meaning I want to hit 1 Mio USD “Assets under Management”. Lets see if I can do that. The main focus of my investments in stocks have always been dividend income, and in 2015 I had a mean dividend of around 4%, so it was around 5,000 USD in total. If I can 10x that to 50,000 USD in 2016 I will be more than stoked. Key will be to not fall for the media hypes, be fearful when others are greedy, greedy when others are fearful and therefore buy great companies at good prices.
All my Affiliate Marketing and all my kitesurfing income runs through this company. My kitesurfing income still makes around 15,000 USD in profits, even though I have not really been actively doing much. I do not intend to raise that, simply as I have totally different goals for my life, and so I just focus on keeping it at this level. Affiliate Marketing is mostly online sales of products where I get a commission for example on Amazon, Advertising, Apps, etc.. I use my large email list for this by providing people value with tips and getting a commission from the companies I advertise for. Adding it all together I did close to 100,000 USD with this in 2015. I believe I could 10x that in 2016, but I want to invest my time and focus in the company that I will talk about next, and so my actual goal is to get 1,000 USD in commissions a day by year end, which is totally ok. In total I want to double my profits to over 200,000 USD this year with this company.
Since I launched my book with all its stuff around last year, and that cost me around 20,000 USD in investments, this company made a loss last year. That is totally ok however and I did not intend it any other way. This company will take a lot of my time this year, as you will see in the priority layout below. Goals here are to sell at least 50,000 copies of my books (be it ebook, physical or audio), create 2-3 products around the book in German and English, launch a podcast with at least 30,000 downloads within 1 month, get the email subscriber list up to 25,000 and have 3 paid speaking engagements. In total I want to do close to 500,000 USD in revenue adding it all together. Big goals, but let’s see if I can do it.
So, adding it all together, it is NOT me personally who is earning all the money, as earning money is NOT as important as actually controlling it. I DO want my companies to make my first 7-figure year this year however, meaning my clear goal is to make 1 Million USD adding it all together. It is not exactly 10x from 2015, as I was doing close to 200,000 then. I know I probably should 10x my goal and set it to 10 Million USD, but if I do that, my mind shuts off and it does not believe it. Maybe that changes throughout this year, once my personal development goals start setting in as you will see below.
What will I do with all that money, you ask? I am NOT a big spender and actually live quite frugally. At the moment I am reinvesting over 50% of all my income, but for 2016 I want to put away 900,000 USD live on 100,000. Still enough but I do want to increase my net worth massively. So I will be investing the 900,000 USD into 3 things:
- My Dividend Portfolio as I described above
- I want to increase my Real Estate Portfolio to 20 estates, of which 1 is in the US – total rental income after tax should be 5,000 USD per month at year end – at the moment I hold properties as a person, but will put the new ones into a corporation for tax purposes.
- I want to start a 5th business, for which I already have an awesome idea for, and it will take around 50-100K USD in seed funding
How will I split my time and priorities?
- BeAweLTD will get 4 months
- 888 LTD very limited time
- WST LTD very limited time
- 25ST 4 months
- 1 month will be used for holidays, vacations and relationship with Bettina
- 1 month will be used for personal development and also relationship with Bettina
- 2 months will be used to set up my new company, and get it started – this will happen rather year end
One of the key issues entrepreneurs face is the shiny object syndrome… running after the next best thing, without focusing on key things for longer times.
So, if something is not on this list here, I will NOT spend any time doing it:
- My girlfriend Bettina – relationship goals: tech free times (see below) + photo shooting
- Relaxing holidays / Timeouts – fun goals: travel to Bali & Cruise & surf more
- Real Estate / Stocks
- Wholesale Distribution
- 25ST Product Launches
- Speaking Engagements
- New Company: Wichtel
- Personal Development
Two other questions I often get and that I want to answer to myself regarding my relationship goals are whether I will have kids or get married soon? For 2016 I would say “No” to either, but I do start thinking about these questions more and more (to my own surprise, as at the beginning of 2015 this was as far away as imaginable). So, let’s see what I am saying about this subject beginning 2017.
So, what’s left of the 5 areas where I set goals in are personal development and health and so as the last points of this post, I want to talk about the only investment that is foolproof and will give you close to unlimited returns on your money - an investment in YOURSELF! I will follow this list 6 days a week. 1 day will be cheat day! So, what are my personal development goals?
This is my list written to MYSELF:
- No Facebook/Social Media/Email other than planned and scheduled times – stop wasting time Julian!
- Straight Opinions – be bold Julian and stop hiding! Make at least 1 post per week that “upsets” people
- Electric Device Free Times – 1 evening a week, 1 day a month and 1 week a year. No laptop, phone or distracting electronic devices. Cool your senses!
- Learn 2 new Languages: Get Spanish and French back to awesome. Learn Mandarine & Japanese
- Listen to 1 Audiobook per week
- Read 1 Book per month – suck it up – I know reading sucks, but Julian, you gotta do it
- Join 3 Personality Development Events in 2016 – 1 of which being a Tony Robbins Event – save 10% of your income for this!
- Join 12 Networking Events in 2016 – pick them wisely as many of them suck big donkey ba[[s
- Say NO to anything else that is not on my list above or does not get me further
- Talk to 1 new stranger a day – Julian, you are an introvert… so what?! Talk to someone new every day
- Follow your Contactually layout to stay in touch with key people
- Follow your Medidation/headspace program to calm your mind
- Read 1 Blink per day – this does NOT replace the book per month Julian… no cheating here!
- Read Daily Curiosity to get some awesome facts around the world
- Watch Dr. Susskind’s lessons from Stanford on Relativity, Cryptology and Cosmology – Julian, you can learn anything you want
- Archive better – data storage is cheap, but data is key. So store it!
- Follow Insanity 30 max – look for a new program afterwards. Get under 10% body fat
- Follow ketogenic diet 6 out of 7 days a week and 11 months out of 12
- Learn Python + Ruby this year. Started Python already last year… coding is the future boy!
- 3 Podcast Episodes per week… pick wisely. Tim Ferriss is definitely one of them
- Yoga once per week
- Pilates once per week – I know it is girly, still… helps with those weird muscles.
- Stretch once per week – you are getting old Julian, so suck it up!
- Evening Reflection Journal – reflect on your day
- 1x Learn idea per day – what single most important thing did you learn today?
- 1x Biz Idea per day – what biz idea did you come up with today
- Top3 for next day – which 3 most important things do you have to do tomorrow
- Gratitude in Evening – be thankful for what you have
- Daily Affirmations – write down 1 thing 15 times a day. I write down: “I, Julian Hosp, will be a USD Billionaire.”
- Maybes:
- learn play guitar – this is a big maybe… I have never been good at playing an instrument… maybe I will add this in
- Self Defense Training… also a big maybe… still on the list
- Run a Marathon – has been on my bucket list. Not sure if I do it 2016… Probably 2017.
Yep, I know, long blog post, but it is a really important one especially to me personally. Here at the end, I want to ask YOU, what YOU are thinking about when you read my list? What a show-off I am? Why I would state all that publicly? Or are you being inspired to push higher and further? I personally had always wished that people that I look up to would state their own goals as clear as I am doing that. I love for example that Gary Vaynerchuck is running is DailyVeeShow, where he describes his regular days. They help me understand what real hustle means. But it would be even cooler, if he talked about his goals to see how much x-ing he is doing. I am an average kid, that does not want to have average results. So I am working hard to make these extra-ordinary things happen.
So, just like at the end of every chapter of my book, let me inspire you to 3 Key Take Aways:
1st What are your S.M.A.R.T. goals for 2016?
2nd Do you have a priority list for your time?
3rd Have you x-ed your goals enough or are you cruising?
Would love to hear your feedback, either if you think this is absolute B.S. or it just blows your mind! If you are bold enough, let me know in the comments below, drop me a message or post it here on Facebook.
If you want to get more things like that sign up for my newsletter here!
Let’s all have the most mindblowing year ever!
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