Sunday, July 17, 2016

Non-equity vs equity business - what is the difference?

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #139

Have you ever wondered how people like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or many others have made so much money? Did they earn such a high salary? If you dig into it, you will find out that it is part of the "equity" they hold in a business. In today's DAB I want to share a few ideas about that:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Saturday, July 16, 2016

My 3 take aways from Kenya everyone should have experienced

In case you are following my Audio Blog on a regular basis, you will have heard that I spent an entire week with some great friends in Kenya. It was mostly leisure, but there were some business aspects to it. Like in any trip to a new place, you experience some amazing things, and here are 3 that I would love to pass on as I believe you all should experience them:

Btw.: Here is my book on Amazon!

Hope you like it and if you do and you want to, reply or give me feedback HERE on Facebook!

If you prefer to listen to my DAB as a podcast on iTunes, you can get it here for free:

Also, if you want a daily reminder for my DAB, simply sign up for this email list here. You will get a short daily email with a motivitational quote and a reminder that the next DAB is out:

Do you know a person who would benefit from this knowledge? Share the link with them or even better, share this article on Facebook or other Social Media with the buttons below!

Hear you for the next Session tomorrow!



Sunday, July 3, 2016

Why I do regular accounting and budgeting

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #125

Just yesterday I did my accounting and budgeting again - for my companies in Hong Kong and also me personally. I am surprised how few people actually not do this, for whatever reason ever. Some claim it is because they do not have a business themselves - thereby forgetting they are a business of their own! More about on this here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



My most shocking take away from my trip to the US this time

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #124

No words needed... Just look at the pic, listen to my audio and STOP EATING SUGAR!

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Friday, July 1, 2016

A few quick DAB updates

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #123

A few updates in the audio. Here is the link to the event in Austria: All the free resources are here: If you either want to buy my book or leave me a review on Amazon, please do so here! Here is the audio for today:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Thursday, June 30, 2016

Discussing vs. Arguing... Where is the line?

Julian’s Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #122

What’s the difference between arguing and discussing? Where is the line? Especially when I am here in Nashville, TN, I get to discuss many things with my host dad George, host brother Chris and host brother in law Matthew. The awesome thing: we never start to argue in a negative way even though topics such as politics, religion or philosophy come up.

Listen to my personal take here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it…
Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day — hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Do you pray? This is what I do!

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #121

Being in Nashville these days with amazing friends and family, reminds me a lot of cultural differences and social habits. Especially when i came here for the first time 15 years ago, it was quite new to me to pray before having a meal. It was a nice reminder again, when I we did it again yesterday. But you know what? Even though I do not pray myself, I actually do the same thing - just different. Hear about it here:

Listen to my personal take here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The immense advantages of having/being an exchange student

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #120

In my book I talk about my time in the US as an exchange student and now that I am flying to visit my host family and friends in Nashville, I want to quickly reflect on the long term benefits of why anyone should either be an exchange student, or host one:

Listen to my personal take here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Monday, June 27, 2016

What are assymetric returns when investing and how that applied to Brexit?

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #119

When investing money, most people have no clue what to look for. There was a time I didn't either, but over time I started to understand what a good investment was made off - it just sounded so complicated: assymetric returns. When one looks on graphs just like in the pic below, one easily gets confused and doesn't take action. So, people lose a lot of money instead, because they will not take action - just like now when Brexit was announced. Had people applied the knowledge of assymetric returns, one could have either protected their assets or made quite some money. So I asked myself: "How can I explain the concept of assymetric returns in an easy and understandable way"? This is how it works - let me know if you "get it":

Listen to my personal take here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



My 3 tips on effective note taking everyone should use

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #118

I am always amazed when I see how little people actually take notes or not take notes at all. No one will be able to remember everything, so if you do not jot it down what you just learned, it will be like you never participated... These are my 3 key tips on effective note taking:

Listen to my personal take here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Better to have 1 or 2 watches to know your time?

This sounds like an ordain question, but there is a lot of insight to it:

Listen to my personal take here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Saturday, June 25, 2016

What does it REALLY mean to not see the forrest because of the trees?

experience quite often that people struggle with not losing themselves in too many details when they try to tackle a new topic. Maybe you have experienced some similar confusion when digging into topics such as finance, business, health, relationships or nutrition. For that reason I became very passionate about showing people how to not lose themselves too much and this is how my title "expert for smart shortcuts" came about.

Listen to my personal take here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Thursday, June 23, 2016

How I use email reminders to stay accountable

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #115

I set a lot of goals for myself and I love checking on whether I made them or not. In order to not get caught in chaos I use a free tool called FollowUpThen where I set email reminders for my goals. For example, send an email right now to: and see what happens. You can adjust this for any goal when you want to be reminded by - it is awesome! This is how I use FUT and also how it works:

Listen to my personal take here:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Wednesday, June 22, 2016

How to sell anything without being salesy

Julian's Taeglicher Audio Blog (TAB) Podcast #114

Yesterday we had a great event about my "pyramid of 10 skills to dominate in life" here at my home in Austria - was fun and exciting. We will definitely grow these events as the demand was big btw. After the event a gentleman came to me and asked me, how he could sell his professional service to a company - a common question I get asked a lot btw, so I am sure many of you have a similar question... Here is what I advised him to do to get his sale:

Hier ist meine Meinung dazu:

Wuerde mich total ueber dein Feedback freuen - stimmst du zu oder siehst du das anders?

Aja, und, wüsstest du eine Person für die das auch interessant wäre? Leite ihm/ihr doch bitte diese Email weiter... Du hilfst ihm/ihr, und tust mir auch einen rießen Gefallen!

Hab nen super Tag und vergiss nicht zu dominieren anstatt zu kaempfen!



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

3 important but underrated areas in the future

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #113

There are many articles and talks on about future technology and skills one should acquire and I did a video on my "pyramid of 10 skills to dominate in life" where I talk about many of them: I do see however, that especially 3 areas are completely underrated on how important they will be in the future and this is what I would like to talk about in today's DAB:

Would be great to get your feedback or thoughts on it...

Oh, and, one more thing:
Would you know 1 other person who would benefit from this DAB? Send them this email please! You would not only help me spread the good word, but furthermore help your friend to dominate in life!

Have a great day - hear you tomorrow! Rock life and dominate!



Monday, June 20, 2016

Wo bekomme ich die Ideen fuer diesen Audioblog her und wieso das fuer dich relevant ist

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast #112
Very often I get the question on how I get the ideas for this audioblog and whether I plan ahead with the topics. I have a very simple solution that is absolutely not only applicable to me, but should be used by anyone that wants to dominate in life!
Do you know a person who would benefit from this knowledge? Share the link with them or even better, share this article on Facebook or other Social Media with the buttons below!

Hear you for the next Session tomorrow!



Sunday, June 19, 2016

Why is it interessant to hear where people would eat their last meal

Imagine you would only have one last meal. Where and What would you eat? A nice restaurant? A hotel? The interesting thing is, if you asked this question to several people, for sure one specific answer would NEVER come up - and that is super relevant for many areas in life:Do you know a person who would benefit from this knowledge? Share the link with them or even better, share this article on Facebook or other Social Media with the buttons below!

Hear you for the next Session tomorrow!

