Monday, April 11, 2016

Anchor radio app - the next Instagram?

The past blog posts were a lot about mindset & productivity, which is really great. But being an entrepreneur I am always looking out for the next trend (being a surfer I call them waves). See it like that: The early adopters of Facebook, ruled that medium. Then came TwitterTumblr,Pinterest and Instagram. It was always the earliest adopters of these platforms that benefitted the most. The latest add-on to this portfolio was Periscope, where I was quite early, but I never fully got the hang of it. So, so far we have had Social Media for Text, Short Messages, Pictures, Videos and Blogs. The last thing that was missing is a Social Media Platform purely dedicated to Audio.

And I think I found it: Anchor


The basic idea of Anchor (like news-anchor) is to allow people to share audio messages of up to 2 minutes in length with the world and respond to the audio messages from other people - just like you would on Instagram with pictures. Their tagline is: "Anchor is the world’s first truly public radio, where any voice can join the conversation". The company is still extremely young and was founded by 2 Americans: Michael Mignano (CEO) and Nir Zicherman (CTO) who started this project in January 2015 part time, and quit their job at Adobe in June 2015 to focus on Anchor full-time! End of last year and the beginning of this year they had their Seed Investment Round bei Eniac Ventures and SV Angel, which gave them a huge push. The first version for iOS was available to the public on Dec 21st 2015, so less than 2 months ago:

So, yes, the app is only available for your iPhone at them moment, but I am sure it will come for Android soon as well, as soon as more traction is there. Also, you cannot use it on your computer, but one cool feature is that you can Anchor links from there onto your smartphone (I will show you the feature below).

Ok, but so what is all this fuzz about?

If you have been following Social Media, Webinars and Youtube, one could see this massive trend especially towards the auditory parts in the last few years: Podcasting. Basically it is free access to some awesome audio programs, that people offer to all kinds of topics around the world, that you can listen to from your phone. Personally I love Tim Ferriss' Show the most, as the kind of people he interviews are just freaking awesome. I am sure had people asked whether podcasts have a shot against added video on Youtube, most people would have said that podcasts are going to die against videos.

Now why did the podcast community grow so much compared to video, almost in the extend of it becoming more important especially in the self-development sector?
Think about it: Watching a video kinda takes all your attention, if you are not doing something else and not watching. But you could not watch YouTube while driving, while running or while doing the dishes. But you CAN listen to a podcast! And that is why podcasting became so powerful especially in the last years.

Why do I talk about podcasting so much?
I have seen many people jump on this train of podcasting, and personally I think this "wave" is over. If you are on it, like Tim and many others are, then that's wonderful, but if you are starting now, I feel you are kinda late to the party. I do want to start my own podcast, but I am still hesistant in regards to finding the right nieche. Another challenge in podcasting just like in webinars for video is the complex and quite expensive set-up: Good microphones, stands, editing, and design is required if you want to succeed in this space. That is why Periscope, where you can live-prodcast your video with the world, became so successful in the last year, as it allows people to purely focus on WHAT they wanted to share with the world, not on the mostly very expensive HOW.

This is where I see Anchor come in!

Anchor to Podcasting, is similar as Periscope is to Webinars... kinda. Basically what I see for Anchor, and this is WHY I AM SO INTERESTED IN IT, is the ability to share short voice messages with people, without having to focus on the complicated surroundings, but instead focusing purely on the content. And people can listen to these short so-called "waves" of up to 2 minutes while they are running, driving or on the bus. I will tell you some ideas on how to use Anchor in just a second, but first, let me walk you through the basic Layout of the app:


  • Just like podcasts, but 2-minute short versions
  • Daily Messages
  • Motivational Messages
  • AMAs = Ask me Anything
  • Updates on your process, trip, feature etc
  • Quotes
  • Workout Tips
  • Cooking Suggestions for today (healthy eating etc...)
  • Language Courses
  • Entrepreneurial Tips
  • Quizz Questions
  • Jokes
  • embed the waves into your blogs
  • start an alog (audio instead of vlog with video)
  • Short Interviews
  • Sports events
  • Travel Tipps
Basically anything with value that can be summarised in short waves!

In contrast to Periscope what we won't see much is just goofing around without any content, because then people just hop to another show. I truly believe Anchor will be about value.

(as of Feb 18th 2016 but might come in the near future)
  • Android Version
  • Ability to upload pre-recorded messages
  • Group features
  • Private waves to one user
  • Non-public waves only for yourself
  • Multiple Account Usage
  • Headset Feature


Final Tipp:
Give value, Give value, Give value!

Just go for it, don’t be shy in trying Anchor out – add me on there and interact!

Would love to hear your feedback, either if you think this is absolute B.S. or it just blows your mind! If you are bold enough, let me know in the comments below, drop me a message or post it here on Facebook.

If you want to get more things like that sign up for my newsletter here!

Have a great day!



Dr. Julian Hosp - Entrepreneur, Medical Doctor, Athlete, Leapfrog High Performer and the Best Selling Author of “25 Stories I would tell my Younger Self”

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