Monday, April 25, 2016

Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) - Session 56 - 3 solutions to the problem of "the 5 people around you"

Do you know what the biggest challenge about changing "the average of the 5 people around you is"? Finding better people. I am not kidding - it is a true challenge. In yesterday's webinar I spoke about this in great detail and today I want to share 3 solutions to it! In case you missed the webinar, here is the replay:!missed-webinar/xlxvg

Keyword: Mastermind Groups!
Here you can get access to ours:

Listen to my personal take on it on Anchor - what is YOUR opinion:

As discussed in the audio:
Keyword: Mastermind Groups! Here you can get access to

Hope you like it and if you do and you want to, reply or give me feedback, leave me a message below, or on Facebook!

Also, if you want a daily reminder for my DAB, simply sign up for this email list here. You will get a short daily email with a motivitational quote and a reminder that the next DAB is out!
Do you know a person who would benefit from this knowledge? Share the link with them or even better, share this article on Facebook or other Social Media with the buttons below!

Hear you for the next Session tomorrow!


Dr. Julian Hosp
Entrepreneur, Medical Doctor, Professional Athlete, Public Speaker, Investor, Leapfrog High Performer and Bestselling Author of

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