Sunday, May 15, 2016

Could you keep you cool? - Julian's Daily Audio Blog (DAB) Podcast - Episode 76

I am travelling quite a lot, so it is sometimes not a surprise when I have a phone bill that goes up to a 100 US$ or so - but hardly ever much higher. Today I checked my phone bill for May and it said 20,534.58 EUR (so approx. 22,000 USD) - I was like WWHHHAAATTTTT???? I mean, how would you have reacted? I clicked on details to see what is up. I could not find a mistake, but I think there must be one. Now, it is Sunday morning, and I have to wait until tomorrow Monday to call their support and ask WTF is going on - Would you keep your cool or would you totally freak out?

Listen to my personal take on it on Anchor - what is YOUR opinion:

As discussed in the audio:
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Hear you for the next Session tomorrow!


Dr. Julian Hosp
Entrepreneur, Medical Doctor, Professional Athlete, Public Speaker, Investor, Leapfrog High Performer and Bestselling Author of

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